Sunday, June 7, 2015

Brown Girl Dreaming (a follow up from 5/26/15)

Woodson's autobiography about her childhood hit home for me.  I thought of the stories that my mom shared with me about her life as a young person growing up in the 60's and 70's.  She spent so much time with her grandparents and lived in different regions of the country and the world due to her father being in the Air Force.  All of these experiences added to her adulthood and made for great entertainment as me and my siblings would sit in anticipation for a silly or even serious story about her childhood during family time.  Brown Girl Dreaming reminds me of those moments that I shared with my mom.  I hope to one day do the same with my own children or a class full of young people expressing tales of hope and loss.  It is amazing how this book inspired me to dream for myself and it may do the same for you.  Happy Reading!!

Me & Mom Before Story Time

Circa 1980